El gesto salvador del enemigo: dos soldados de la guerra Irán-Irak se reencuentran en Canadá 30 años después / The gesture of saving the enemy: two soldiers of the Iran-Iraq war meet again in Canada 30 years later
María-Paz López (@lopez_mariapaz) of La Vanguardia.com writes about the power of humanity in times of conflict in an insightful article after the SOLD-OUT screening of My Enemy, My Brother at the Embassy of Canada to Germany event: We are neighbours – Integration into the Immigration Society in Berlin on December 5th, 2017.
“At TFIP we participate in film projects around positive social causes, so that they have the greatest possible social and political impact and influence the public beyond the cinema.” – Danielle Turkov, Think-Film Impact Production
“In this story we see how humanity can overcome its political and religious differences; revealing the relationship between two former enemies, and showing that it is possible to heal and redeem.” – Ann Shin, Director
My Enemy, My Brother will have another screening tonight in The Hague, Netherlands at Humanity House, hosted by The Canadian Embassy to the Netherlands, International Queer & Migrant Film Festival and Think-Film Impact Production.